For scale up business leaders who want to take their business from 7 figures to 8 figures PLUS!!!
**Apply Now**
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Business Accelerator Mastermind (BAM) is for you if you are:
- A business owner who is already turning over a minimum 7 figures in your business
- Wanting to go to 8 figures PLUS
- Committed to growth and transformation
- A visionary wanting to take a leading position in your market or sector
- A leader who believes that the best investment you can make is in yourself
- Someone who is great at what you do, but not as big or cash flowing as you want to be
- Overwhelmed or distracted and want clarity, focus and accountability
- You take action, are willing to test new tactics and you want to be part of a great mastermind community
Business Accelerator Mastermind (BAM) is NOT for you if you are:
- Just starting out in business
- Don’t have ambitions for growth
- Content with where you are already and are happy to tick over
- A moaner, complainer, blamer and excuse maker
- Looking for a quick fix without any of the work
- In huge debt with zero or limited access to money
Investment for the Business Accelerator Mastermind is just £4,995 + VAT
Things people say about working with Jeannette:
The Business Accelerator Mastermind (BAM) is ONLY for committed Scale Up business leaders!!!