Jeannette Linfoot Associates provides a comprehensive suite of services to support businesses and individual women to maximise their potential. Whilst there has been some great progress in the diversity arena, progress has not been fast enough, otherwise we wouldn’t still be talking about it. In this context, it can be difficult to start the conversation, and so it is avoided all together.
Our offering is to remove those concerns and work in a collaborative, practical way to to create a shift on the topic of diversity, with a focus on gender diversity.
Our service is a one-stop shop to support businesses with a bespoke approach to enable them to create, develop and drive their diversity agenda to deliver results for shareholders, customers, employees and all stakeholders.
Our Approach

Often having the conversation in the first place can open up ideas, the smallest things can make the biggest differences.

Jeannette and her associates can take the lead with starting the conversation for you and your organisation. Providing a consultancy on the best possible approach for your company, training & development for those involved, as well as coaching and mentoring in order to achieve the full potential of the individuals and the business.